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  • Notícias Fórum
  • erasmus UE

    This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

    This project addressed four agricultural schools with very similar curriculum and activities. The cooperation among these institutions enabled them to exchange new know how, experience, to get new skills and training. Students and teachers could familiarize with practical lessons and fieldwork, school curriculums and different study branches in similar schools abroad. The school farms, which are parts of all these institutions, breed horses and domestic animals; they deal with food production (especially diary and meat products). The project activities should have explored production technologies of regional food and found new ways which could be used by other schools or be included into school curriculums. For example dairy processing (cheese, yogurt, butter), bakery and meat products, fruit and vegetable products (herbs, wine, jams, syrups) etc. Important part of the project was also animal welfare so that domestic animals were raised in good conditions and in accord with the rules of European Union. All experience can be used by other schools, students and teachers could learn new methods and approaches from the others. Before the study visits there was a preparation for these activities when students and teachers were in touch via electronic communication. Several videoconferences were held to enable to plan each study visit including the preparation of the final products - technical notes, their design and form, the necessary information and methods.
    One of the other motives was to know, compare and exhibit the different approaches of different European agricultural institutions. Therefore, we wanted to expand the field of food processing and animal welfare by exchanging the diverse technologies, experiences, methodologies and work produced within the partnership. Conducting joint work, both of documentation and practical activities, expands horizons in working area, while establishing an exchange of information and ways to approach agriculture from different perspectives, to exhibit and evaluate the results together , which were certainly useful, innovative and varied. All partner institutions included new gain technologies and knowledge among the subjects they teach. During the study visits students and teachers worked on the technological notes, they tried to prepare the regional food products and food tasting for the others. Important part of the project activities was field work and practical lessons when students learnt new ways how the animals were treated in other countries, they got information about growing plants, product technologies of food etc.
    This project also helped to improve ICT and language skills as the project products - technological notes - were in electronic form and compiled into English and native languages (Czech, Norwegian, Portuguese, French and English).




    Erasmus + República Checa
  • República Checa Erasmus +

    A Escola Profissional Agrícola Fernando Barros Leal iniciou a sua participação em mais um projeto de cooperação internacional no âmbito de um programa europeu Erasmus +.

    A convite de uma escola da República Checa (Stredni skola zeme delska a veterinarni Lanskropun), com a qual já se tinham desenvolvido outros projetos de cooperação em anos anteriores, aceitamos o desafio de participar neste projeto que inclui também uma escola da região francesa de Bordéus (EPLEFPA de Bazas) e uma escola da Noruega (Skjetlein vgs).

    Os objetivos subjacentes a este projeto são diversos, destacando-se a troca de saberes e experiências na área da formação profissional agrícola. Os parceiros desenvolverão ao longo dos dois anos de implementação do projeto fichas técnicas sobre produtos regionais, desde a produção de matérias-primas até à sua comercialização, que serão disponibilizados em várias línguas (português, francês, checo, inglês e norueguês).

    O projeto inclui visitas de preparação com 4 professores e 2 alunos e visitas de estudo com 10 alunos e 2 professores, sendo que, no caso da EPAFBL, seremos anfitriões em junho e setembro de 2015.

    Entre os dias 13 e 18 de outubro ocorreu a primeira visita de preparação, que teve lugar na República Checa. Professores e alunos dos vários países participantes tiveram a oportunidade de conhecer a escola checa e interagir com os restantes participantes. Sendo uma visita preparatória, estabeleceram-se metodologias, prazos e atividades a desenvolver.

    Os alunos portugueses puderam contactar com outra realidade escolar, participando em aulas e atividades como volteio entre outras. Houve também tempo para conhecer uma exploração de bovinos e alguns locais de interesse turístico.

    Foi uma experiência enriquecedora para todos e o início de uma cooperação que se avizinha interessante e frutífera.

    Apresentação do país , da cidade e da nossa escola

    Apresentação do país , da cidade e da nossa escola

    Reuniões - meeting

    Reuniões - meeting

    Visita à Quinta

    Visita à Quinta

    Visita centro veterinário

    Visita ao Centro Veterinário

    Embalamento de carnes

    Embalamento de carnes
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  • bordeus
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  • erasmus


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  • UE
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